Short Course/Seminar
1. One-day Seminar on Vibration Assessment in Building
Building vibration induced by construction and operation of train is an international critical issue. This course aims to introduce the basic vibration concept and share the case studies on vibration assessment.
After attending the seminar, participants will be able to:
1. Identify the mechanism and the factors affecting vibration transmission from the operation train or construction site to the building receiver.
2. Analyze field test data of building vibration due to piling and rail.
3. Distinguish the international and local building vibration criteria.
4. Recognize the mitigation measures for groundborne noise and vibration transmission.
Photos – Vibration Assessment in Building
2. Briefing on Steel Code 2011 by Prof. S.L. Chan & Dr. C.F. Ng
Photos – Briefing on Steel Code 2011
Training Course
Training course on Laboratory Management based ISO 2017:17025
Training course on Inspection body management system based on ISO 17020:2012
Training course on measurement uncertainty (GUM)
Training course on noise assessment and noise control design for Environmental Protection
Department (2010-2015)
Training course on laboratory test and quality in acoustics for toy testing laboratory (2011).
(Welcome to self-organized courses, please call us at 3586 1826)