Selected Publication
- “The control of coupled bending modes in floating slab : with case study in East Asian rail”. Saarbrücken : LAP Lambert Academic Pub., 2012.
- “The acoustic performance of ventilated window with quarter-wave resonators and membrane absorber”. Applied Acoustics, Vol.78, 2014.
- “Use of modal energy transfer as a new damping device with controllable bandwidth”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330 (15), pp3561-3577. 2011.
- “Autoparametric vibration absorber effect to reduce the first symmetric mode vibration of a curved beam/panel”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330 (18), pp 4551-4573. 2011.
- “Attenuation of flexural vibration for floating floor and floating box induced by ground vibration” Applied Acoustics, Vol. 70 (6), pp. 799-812, 2009.
- “Coupling resonance of floating slab and supporting concrete box structure.” Applied Acoustics, Vol. 69(11), pp. 1044-1062, 2008.
- “Low frequency sound insulation using stiffness control with honeycomb panels”. Applied Acoustics, Vol. 69(4), pp. 293-301, 2008.
- “New floating floor design with optimum isolator location”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 303 (1-2), pp. 221-238, 2007.
- “Anti-symmetric mode vibration of a curved beam subject to autoparametric excitation”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 290 (1-2), pp. 48-64, 2006.
- “The Control of Structure-borne Noise from a Viaduct using Floating Honeycomb Panel”. JSME International Journal Series C-Mechanical System Machine Element and Manufacturing, Vol. 49 (2), pp.494-504, 2006.
- “Sound absorption of a finite flexible micro-perforated panel backed by an air cavity”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 287 (1-2), pp. 227-243, 2005.
- “The local vibration modes due to impact on the edge of viaduct”. Applied Acoustics, Vol.65 (11), pp.1077-1093, 2004.
- “Application of Resonator Effect in Noise Reduction of Active Silencers with a Protective Layer”. Journal of Building Surveying, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 2 to 6, 2004.
- “Structure-borne Noise and Vibration of Concrete Box Structure and Rail Viaduct”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 255(2), pp. 281-297, 2002.
- “Analytical Model for Predicting Nonlinear Random & Snap-through Response of Buckled Plates”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol.2(1) , pp.1-24, 2002.
- “A Practical Methodology for Impact Assessment of Tunnel Boring Machine Generated noise”, HKIE Transaction, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 26-30, 2001.
- “Nonlinear response of composite plates using the finite element modal reduction method” Engineering Structures, Vol. 23(9), pp.1104-1114, 2001.
- “The Acoustic Performance of Inclined Barrier in High-rise Residents” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.2, pp.295-308, 2001.
- ” The nonlinear acoustic response of thermally buckled plates”.AppliedAcoustics, Vol. 59 (3) , pp. 237-251, 2000.
- “The Design of Inclined Barrier in High-rise Residents”Transactions of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vol. 7, pp16-20, 2000.
- “The Theoretical Model to Optimize Noise Barrier Performance at the Window of a High-rise Building.” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 5, pp. 51-63, 2000.
- “Vibration control of composite plate under random loading using piezoelectric materials ” Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Proc. I. Mech.Enggrs, Vol. 214, Pt.G ,pp. 9-25, 2000.
- “The Computional Time Efficient Finite Element Method for Large Amplitude Vibrations of Composite Plates” Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS ’99), pp. 905-912,1999.
- “The image-source model for parallel barriers in high-rise building” Building Acoustics, Vol.6 (2), pp.85-100, 1999.
- “Noise Cancellation using Piezoelectric Vibration Source”,Transactions of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers,Vol 6 (2), pp.1-5,1999.
- “Low Frequency Acoustic Performance of Close-fitting Sandwich Pane”, Building Acoustics, Vol.5(3), pp.143-161, 1999.
- “Sound Insertion Loss of Stiffened enclosure plates using the finite element method and classical approach”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 217(2), pp. 239-260, 1998.
- “Double Perforated Honeycomb Panel as a Low Frequency Acoustic Absorber”, Building Acoustic,Vol. 4(1), pp. 21-37 ,1998.
- “Sound Transmission through Double-leaf Corrugated Panel Constructions”, Journal of Applied Acoustics, Vol. 53 (1-3), pp. 15-34, 1998.
- “Sound Insulation Improvement Using Honeycomb Sandwich Panels”, Journal of Applied Acoustics, Vol. 53(1-3), pp.163-177, 1998.
- “Effects of Sandwich Panel for Duct Noise Reduction at Low Frequency”, Transactions of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vol.4 (1), Apr., 1997.
- “The Theoretical Prediction of Sound Transmission Loss of Sandwich Cladding Panels with Fibrous Cores”, Transactions of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vol.2, No.3, Mar., 1996.
- “Testing techniques for chaotic vibration of buckled aircraft structures”,Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 210, pp.281-290, 1996.
- “The Effects of Coupled Source /Cavity Modes on Acoustic Insertion Loss of Close Fitting Enclosure”, Journal of Building Acoustics, Vol. 2 (4), 1995.
- “High Intensity Acoustic Tests of a Thermally Stressed Plate”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 28(4),pp. 275-281, April 1991.
- “Dynamic behaviour of postbuckled isotropic plates under in-plane compression”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.120 (1), pp.1-18, 1988.
- “The dynamic behaviour of postbuckled composite plates under acoustic excitation”, Composite Structures, Vol. 9 (1), pp 19-35, 1988.
- “The analysis of non-linear dynamic behavior (including snap-through) ofpostbuckled plates by simple analytical solution”, NASA, TM 89165, April 1988.
- “High Intensity Acoustic Tests of a Thermally Stressed Aluminum Plate in TAFA”, NASA,TM 101552, Feb 1989.
- “The Nonlinear and Snap-Through Response of Curved Panels to Intense Acoustic Excitation”,AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 26(3), pp. 281-288, March 1989.
- “Design Guide for Snap Through of Buckled Plates under Acoustic Excitation”, NASA, TM 81877, May 1989.