Computer Modeling
Our company adopts NIDA to analyze steel structural with second order (P-Delta) analysis .
Our company adopts Sap 2000 to analyze the structural dynamic vibration responses. To satisfy the dynamic vibration criteria for different usages, proper structural design is important for sensitive building (e.g. hospital) to resist the internal vibration sources (e.g. human walking, machine etc.) and external vibration sources (e.g construction, traffic etc.). Our team has proven experience and expertise on the analysis of structural dynamic vibration.
The work flow of Computer Modeling begins with geometrical model preparation, follow by meshing, solving, and post-processing.
1.Finite Element Meshing
2.Structural Element Meshing
3.Modal analysis
The most important part of vibration analysis is to identify the natural frequency and mode shape of the structure.

4.Construction Vibration
Adjacent construction activities such as piling can induce vibration on each floor.
5.Human Walking
Human walking inside a building can induce significant vibration response in the structure. This may correspond to the design of fewer columns to have more free space in the modern structure. When there is a crowd of people walking, significant vibration in the structure may be induced (crowd effect).
6.Machine Vibration
Machine in the room of Air Handling Unit (AHU) can induce vibration in the structure. The adjacent sensitive rooms may be affected.
7.Data analysis
The vibration responses (Time history and Power Spectral Density) in the sensitive rooms will be analyzed in detailed.
Time History Analysis
Power Spectral Density
Example for fundamental vertical global mode
For a typical 5 x 5 bays, 10-storey building, the vibration mode shape is in both horizontal and vertical directions. At a certain frequency, the whole building vibrates in vertical direction with the column movement.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at 3586 1826.